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Scientific Program

Christopher Bollas and Sarah Nettleton will base their discussion on:


The Infinite Question

The Freudian Moment


The Metapsychology of Christopher Bollas by Sarah Nettleton



...the repressed and the receptive unconscious- psychic genera and psychic trauma- idiom- the unthought known- self and character- the evocative object- unconscious complexity- the Freudian pair- technique of association- transformative self-experiencing-transformational object...


Have psychoanalysts ignored the so-called non-repressed unconscious in favor of the repressed unconscious? Freud's theory of repression, as a clinical reality, focuses on the return of the repressed. However, Freud also consistently proposed that implicitly in the sequence of our thinking there is a serial logic; that if we listen to the leaps in the speaker's associations, from one topic to another, that lines of unconscious thoughts will be found in the sequence. Freud discovered that if we speak these thoughts as they pass through our minds, they reveal an 'inherent sequence of logic'.

Christopher Bollas has written about 'the receptive unconscious' juxtaposed with the repressed unconscious. The repressed, the received and the preconscious are simply different forms of thinking...



The Freudian Moment

Christopher Bollas
Theory on Psychic Transformations, Articulations of the unconscious, the receptive unconscious, perceptive identification, psychic genera, the unthought known, the Freudian Pair...

The Infinite Question

Christopher Bollas
Transcripts of real analytical sessions accompanied by parallel commentaries, which highlight key aspects of the free associative method in practice.

The Metapsychology of Christopher Bollas

Sarah Nettleton
An invaluable guide to the work of Christopher Bollas: it seeks to introduce and explain the fundamentals of Bollas' theory of the mind: the receptive unconscious, psychic genera, idiom, the unthought known, character, evocative objects, free association, the Freudian Pair, etc...

Scientific Program




Friday 16th afternoon


13:15   Registration 


14:00   Opening Panel


          Denys Ribas, president of the Société Psychanalytique de Paris, SPP. 

          Joëlle Picard, president of the Société Psychanalytique de Recherche et de Formation, SPRF. 


          Leonardo Siqueira, president of the International Psychoanalytic Studies Organization,IPSO.

          Nergis Güleç, IPSO Vice President for Europe.


          Johanna Velt, IPSO representative for SPP candidates.

          Monica Fraenkel d'Alançon, IPSO representative for SPRF candidates.


14:30  Introducing Christopher Bollas and Sarah Nettleton -  Steven Jaron, SPRF, France.

          Free Association and the Receptive Unconscious by Sarah Nettleton


15:45  Group Discussion


16:15  Coffee Break


16:30  Panel 1 - Of Knowledge and the Psychotherapeutic Dyad by Sebastian Thrul, DPG, Switzerland.


                      The Elephant and the Orphan Child by Steven Jaron, SPRF, France.


                      Free Association and Listening 

                      by Johanna Velt, SPP, France and Monica Bomba,IPS,Italy,

                      via Skype: Natacha Delgado,APA, Argentina and  Marcos De Soldati,APA, Argentina.


                      Chair: Monica Fraenkel d'Alançon, SPRF, France.


17:45  Response from CBollas and SNettleton and Group Discussion


18:30  Welcome Cocktail




Saturday 17th


 8:30  Coffee!


 9:00  Nasim Ghaffari, DPV, Germany - Clinical presentation with Response from CBollas


         Chair: Monica Fraenkel d'Alançon, SPRF, France. 


10:15  Group Discussion 


10:45  Coffee Break


11:15   Panel 2 - Biographical Characters by Joao Mendes Ferreira, SPP, Portugal.


                       From "Nothing"/"No-thing" To Something by Inês Faro, CPS, Montreal, Canada.


                       Chair: Muriel Gayet, SPRF, France.


12:00   Response from CBollas and SNettleton and Group Discussion




12:30-14:30 IPSO Invitation to Free Lunch

                 at Casa Déa, 161 Boulevard Auguste Blanqui, 75013 Paris.

                 A 6-minute walk from the conference.




14:30  The Poetics of A Session by Christopher Bollas


15:45  Group Discussion


16:00  Coffee Break


16:30  Panel 3 -

         The Psychotherapy of a Schizophrenic Patient by Radu Clit, SPP, France.


         The Little Questioner by Johanna Velt, SPP, France.


         Chair: Mirella de Picciotto, SPP, France.


17:20  Response from CBollas and SNettleton and Group discussion


18:00  Closing remarks 



20:00-02:00  IPSO PARTY - Café Barge - 5, Port de la Rapée, 75012 Paris.

                                       google "Café Barge" for precise orientation!!                                


                                  Metros: -Gare de Lyon: lines 1, 14, RER A, D  or

                                                 -Gare d'Austerlitz, line 10, RER C  or

                                                 -Quai de la Rapée, line 5.



Sunday 18th morning


 9:00  Breakfast


 9:30  Csongor Juhos, SPP, Portugal. Clinical presentation with Response from CBollas           

         Chair: Johanna Velt, SPP, France.


10:45  Group Discussion


11:15   Coffee Break


11:30   Conversation with Christopher Bollas


12:30  IPSO Closing Remarks 

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